
When My Love Comes -UdySylva

When My Love Comes -UdySylva
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When my Love Comes-UdySylva

I will scent it from miles away

Or perhaps fail to recognize it until it’s too long

But love will stay

Love will look out for me

Love will call my name, not in parts but fully

Drawing out each syllable and making beautiful melodies

Love will admire my eyes

It will remind him of endless depths

Love will cherish my smile

It will be more important than the sun’s rays

Love will like my roaring laughter

It will be music to his ears

Love will hold me dear and spend every minute

Love will do foolish things to earn my smile

Without a second thought.


When my love arrives,

The world will be several shades brighter

Waters under bridges will be cleaner

And suddenly, I will find a newfound love for nature

I will sit on the grass in the evenings counting the stars

As love strums a guitar to my heartbeat

Our breaths will be the only thing passed among us

Yet we will understand each inhale and exhale like words dancing out of a love letter

Love will serenade me, his voice coarse and croaky,

Love will dance endlessly, drunk from the joy of being with me.


When my love comes

I will not think about whether or not it is mine

There would be no need to

Love will claim me fully, leaving no room for doubts

Love will turn to me with sorrows and joys

Love will pray for me

Love will be truthful

Love will read my works, not as an obligation but because he truly understands

Love will understand that I am a bird that needs to fly

Love will let me soar

Love will meet me at the summit

Love will acknowledge the fire in my soul

Love will let me blaze

Love will look me in the eyes and proclaim pride

Love will relate to me his problems in full confidence of my wisdom

Love will listen to my hurdles

Love will know that I am his.

Love’s melodies will become melancholic

His glances at me will be hurried

Love will fold his clothes into his trunk and say goodbye

I will hold the door open for his exit

And say, thanks for visiting

Drop by soon

Because love never stays long enough

And while tending a crushed heart,

I shall ponder his return.



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