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Hostel Occupants are to Evacuate the School Hostel as UNN Ends 2022/2023 Academic Session

Hostel Occupants are to Evacuate the School Hostel as UNN Ends 2022/2023 Academic Session
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Following the approved academic calendar of our University, the 2022/2023 academic session officially ended on Saturday, 6th April 2024, while the 2023/2024 academic session formally commenced on Monday, 8th April 2024. I congratulate all graduating students of the University and prayerfully wish them well in their future endeavours. In order to ensure the smooth, take off of the 2023/2024 academic session, especially with regards to allocation of accommodation, our hostels must be evacuated accordingly for the purposes of fumigation and massive cleanings.

Consequently, be informed that official occupancy of these hostels for the 2022/2023 academic session ends on Wednesday, 24th April 2024, All old occupants in these hostels are given till 12:00 noon of Sunday 30th April 2024 to vacate the hostels. You are hereby so directed.

Please, ensure that all exiting occupants packs out their entire belongings, keep their cupboards open to allow unrestricted access for fumigation purposes and submit their room keys to the hall officials. For the avoidance of doubt, defaulters will be appropriately sanctioned starting with denial of access to hostel portal amongst others. Specifically, the first years in the 2023/2024 academic session will be able to access hostel allocation portal online at 10am of Tuesday 30th April 2024 and shall return to campus on Sunday_5th May 2024 and also access their allocated bed spaces as from 3pm of the same Sunday 5th May 2024. Recall that academic activities for these freshmen shall commence on Monday, 8th April 2024.

The Dean of Students is aware of some categories of legitimate students’ resident in hostels who may still be having outstanding official academic engagements. In view of this, the followings directives shall be enforced:

1 . All students (with legal occupancies in the concluded 2022/2023 academic session) who are still doing their final projects shall be allowed in hostels till 1200 noon of Friday, 2024.

2. All students of Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and related programmes with approved elongated academic programmes for the 2022/2023 academic session are shall be permitted to remain in hostels provided they are able to pay fees for the 2023/2024 academic session on time and secure accommodation accordingly. The final years in the 2022/2023 academic session for these programmes who were legal hostel occupants shall apply for discretionary extension of occupation in the hostels. Such applications shall be treated as per available bed spaces and demands.

3. Notwithstanding, massive fumigation of all hostels shall commence on Monday, April 29th 2024 with cleanings from Thursday 2nd May till Sunday, 5th May 2024 and as such every occupant must vacate the hostels within these periods due to obvious reasons. The unavoidable Inconvenience is highly regretted.

4. The fumigation process will be coordinated in a manner that the peculiar challenges of some students will be addressed. Consequently,

Bello Hall and Eyo-ita hostels shall be fumigated last to enable us accommodate the Pharmacy and Veterinary students respectively Similarly,

their male students’ counterparts will be housed in Alvan Hostel. In addition, the final year students of Faculty of Agriculture still in active academic activities will equally be accommodated in Eyo-lta Hall for the approved period. Let me re-emphasize that all students that desire to have accommodation in the 2023/2024 academic session must pay all fees on time to be able to access the hostel portal. THERE SHALL BE NO RESERVATION OF BEDSPACES.

Finally, while expecting strict compliance with these instructions, I wish every student safety of travel and successful 2023/2024 academic session. In addition, I charge all our students to remain law-abiding and worthy ambassadors of the great University of Nigeria.

See memo:

Hostel memo


Professor Edwin Omeje

Dean of Students

Cc: Vice-Chancellor

DVC, Administration

DVC, Academic




Deans of Faculty

Associate Deans of Students (UNEC/ltuku)

Director ICT

Director Servicom

Director, Medical Services

Director, Institute of Education



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